Wednesday, May 14, 2008

CookieDough Rising

Welcome to my new home on the internet, Cookiedough at My friends and I will here attempt to create a safe haven for like minded conservatives. Libs and Moderates have other clubs to join, discussion of how to come to unity with them is their alleged goal. Acquiescence disguised as unity will not take place here. We have an hysterically funny weekly radio show on Blogtalkradio's Freedom radio. You can join us there every Sunday evening for now, and laugh at all we take seriously, at Viva la revolucion'!

Mayor Lou Barletta and D.A. King on Freedom Radio Sunday May 25, 8pm est.

Join Honest and Eeevil Conservative, as we welcome to Freedom Radio, two men of honor, Mayor Lou Barletta of Hazelton, PA, now running for the United States Congress. The Mayor will be joining us at approximately the bottom of the first hour.

We will then welcome D.A. King, founder of the Dustin Inman Society. The Dustin Inman society is dedicated to all those citizens who have lost their lives at the hands of illegal aliens.

Join us for an hour of information and intelligence, for which we refuse to sacrifice our sense of humor. Think Positive! Join us on Freedom Radio, a show which exists for no other reason than to honor our men and women serving their country.

Call in at 646 478 5613. YOU ARE OUR FAVORITE GUEST!

American Sheepdogs Rock!

And this week, we rocked it in the Wall Street Journal! Go here to read all about it:

Linda Chavez Jumps the Shark

Honest Conservative

Chavez Jumps the Shark

Some people just don’t like Americans, or anyone else born under the US constitution. They think Americans are stupid and can’t read a law once it has been placed on paper in black and white. They think we are so smug and content to be ignorant, that we don’t own dictionaries (especially ones with the word “amnesty” in them).

They think conservatives are conceited, arrogant and prone to intolerant behavior. They think Americans are just too uneducated and without initiative to ever be able to learn which doctor they should choose, or to clean their own toilets.

No appeals for preservation of the rule of law will convince these same people, this elite group of Americans otherwise, – fewer than 10 percent of the population at most. Unfortunately, among this number are our President, our Senators and Representatives, and those who support them.

In case you recognize the rhythm and tone in the above language and yes, some of the same words and structure, I have used some of Linda Chavez’s own words and slight of hand with irrelevant argument, to demonstrate that turn about often reveals the absurdity of leftist flim-flam propaganda. Apparently that’s what comes from the mouths of angry politicos whether they are R’s or D’s, as long as they are espousing leftist ideas.

A deliberate con job propaganda piece is used by Ms. Linda Chavez in a recent essay, “Latino Fear and Loathing” at: to justify her en mass character assassination of an apparent, but unnamed shadowy group of evil Americans. This is a sad, frustrated response to justifiable public outcry over the President and Senate’s back room, sneak-attack deal on our national sovereignty. Of course I am talking about their so called Immigration Reform bill.

You know, Linda, the race card doesn’t work for Jesse or Al or the CAIR crowd anymore, so what makes you think its going to work for you and the President?

The user reveals that their positions lack of a logicians leg to stand on.

The race card is as clear an attempt at emotional blackmail in lieu of cogent argument, as is the classic line, “If you don’t marry me, I’ll kill myself”.

But congratulations to Linda and those like her when they get the ultimate door prize, an irrational response in the form of angry e-mails. And you were expecting, what, flowers? You’ll have this when you not-so-subtly call people racists. It makes them a wee bit testy.

In Linda’s follow-up column, Linda uses the reactions that her racist speech provoked to support her points. Tragic. Firstly, we have absolutely no idea where these sometimes horrid statements came from. Secondly, if you say something outrageous that folks try to ignore for the sake of civility, don’t say it louder a second time. It will just be dumber and louder.

So here is Linda’s follow up to Latino Fear and Loathing”, mysteriously called Latino Fear and Loathing II”: .

Linda Chavez is the author of "An Unlikely Conservative: The Transformation of an Ex-Liberal.". Apparently the transformation didn’t take.

Johnny Carson, The Mighty Carnak, We Need You.

Honest Conservative January 2008

The night before the Iowa Primary, media heads predicted Democrat contenders to be neck and neck. The top three hovered around 30%, they said. In the end, the anointed one came in last and there was a ten point difference between first and second place.

The night before New Hampshire, Obama was given a 10 percent lead, over she whose name cannot be spoken. Many predicted he would dance on her grave with a blow out. The Clintons won by a couple percentage points. Media excuses were made saying that their predictions were right until sHillary cried. Yep, that’s what did it. sHillary cried and voters died.

Hillary didn’t win, Barak lost; McCain didn’t win, Barak lost.

McCain benefited from the American Idol syndrome. Independents assumed from that Obama had it sewn up. So it was safe to vote for McCain.


Thus Romney who had been leading in New Hampshire up until about a week before the primary; it all changed after Obama won Iowa.

Now let’s review.

Media pundats’ predictions look suspiciously like chum. Each primary is the Triple Crown. The talking heads might as well be Chatty Cathy dolls, “You must watch because its going to be a real squeaker”. Pull the string, “You must watch because its going to be a real squeaker”. The predictions are meant to influence the outcome.

Therefore, using my new formula, whoever the winner in South Carolina’s primary is, it will be by about 8 points. Take the bait turn it on its head, and mix it with some common sense. How do you like that for science? Kind of like choosing the winner of the super bowl by the colors of the uniforms. Don’t laugh, there’s been amazing luck with that.

How can party nominees be predicted based on events in which non party members are participating? Iowa voters change parties within 24 hours of the caucus start. In New Hampshire, Independents can vote anywhere they want. The purpose of this arrangement cannot be the determination of party nominees.

This will serve to pump up the leftists donations and bankrupt those who are not already well moneyed or have establishment support. If anything, the results seem only useful as a negative predictor of success. Can you say Pat Buchanan or Howard Dean?

These early primaries are port-o-potties rented to the left to allow them to pee in the conservative hot tub.

So get ready for Michigan ‘cause, you guessed it, independents can vote wherever they want. Don’t fret. No matter, Romney has more money than the Pope . He’s going to be a solid second and will hang in for the duration. Isolated individual victories will pop up like wac-a-moles, only to be smacked down by empty bank accounts.

So here’s my prediction for the Democrats; southern democrats, will vote for Obama, ABH.

So folks, after all said and done, wake me when we get to California.


Well, I wrote the above a few days ago and I was happily wrong about Romney, but in a good way. I give South Carolina to Romney or Thompson by 7 or 8 points, using my system described above.

Many polls are giving South Carolina to McCain. Hard to believe considering his outrageous positions on illegal immigration. He really thinks we are all peasants without minds or the ability to read.

If he wins in South Carolina, he’s right.

A View From The Wilderness

Honest Conservative September 07

As we enjoy our visit to The Peoples Republic of South Jersey and its gorgeous beaches, I endure my withdrawal symptoms from blogging and talk radio and try to forget the issues of the day; Sadly, not with much success. My read of Don Gallerani’s “Everything Worth Knowing….I heard on Talk Radio”, helps ameliorate the pain.

After a morning at the beach, and later tuning into Fox to watch General Petraeus’ report to Congress on the progress of the War. I may never be able to enjoy a vacation again in good conscience. Having joined the broadcast with Gary Ackerman leading the charge for the enemy, I cringe for my country as he asks question after question which he knows, would never be the great General’s purview to answer. It is strictly theater, rivaling that of the Soviet Party propaganda theater.

Petraeus keeps taking notes as he listens to this performance art meant only to provide out of context news clips for the leftist MSM. One can only guess at what he may be scribbling on his notepad as this schmuck goes on. I can see Walt Disney-like drawings of Ackerman’s caricature with horns, a tail and a cloven hoof added, holding a diploma from Acme School of Leadership.

Next comes a guy I’ll call Rep. Feedmybankaccount. Never saw the man before. He comes to speak with what may well be, one of American history’s greatest men, dressed like he’s going to a barbecue. No suit jacket and no tie, a blue shirt with collar open. Perhaps he was hoping to make the General the main course, but that clearly wasn’t on the menu.

Next comes a fellow, from New Jersey, I don’t know his name, but I am developing a Payne in the head, to tell the American public how inept the Iraqi forces are. (He must be some kind of expert.) Petraeus assures him that building a new Iraqi force is, “Like building the world’s largest airplane while in flight and while being shot at”.

Next we have professional buffoon Brad Sherman, of Ca. He asks the General to send his report to the Congress rather than the CIC.

Yep, that’s in the constitution (not).

Can these guys be asked to take a literacy test, once we establish that they are sober?

I expect Sherman to exclaim, “You shoot one more duck, just one more duck and you’re in trouble”; Followed by, “Rabbit season (duck season) rabbit season (duck season). Duck Season (rabbit season) and I say fire!”.

Petraeus exudes “man of honor” quietly and coolly and does so with enough metal on his chest, it’s a wonder he can stand. I think he’s going to need a bigger jacket.

Honorable General Petraeus is clearly in a battle of wits with unarmed opponents, and he is, as one has come to expect of him, merciful, but efficient in his dispatching of each of them, without fanfare.